Thursday, September 12, 2013

Emi is thinking about life, love and existence

Let me just begin by saying it's in no way a recommendation, because most people I offer to watch this tell me it's crap, I am just spilling my thoughts into a virtual space. So there's this movie I can't get enough of. It's called 'Mister Nobody'. The name of it is far from catchy. The actors, however, are insanely good and Jared Leto is doing perfectly well there as always. On the other hand, it's too long as a mindfuck type of movie, so not everyone can last till the end of it. It's also weird as hell, I thought the same thing after watching that once. But it's a kind of movie that takes more than one time to watch in order to understand it. However, I do not know any single person except myself who is willing to watch this 3-hour movie more than twice. Ain't nobody have time for that.. However, after I watched it I got really curious about things I did not understand there. To get most of it took me about 4 times. But still, I keep watching different parts of it again and again. It changes everything. Before I found it, I would have never believed a movie can contain more and cause more thoughts about life, existence and love than any lecture I can possibly have or book I ever read in my life. When I watch it for a minute or two, all those thoughts are reborn and alive in my head, and I must add that it's addictive. I want to think more about it, feel this infinity of space and have this idea of everything being not real. Thinking about love from a different perspective than that of girly movies or romance comedies. Imagining all people being a huge 7 billion pixel screen and not being able to see myself in there, when everyone around me is telling I can change the world.
Every person sooner or later finds his way of feeling this. It might be a once-in-a-lifetime feeling, but it might become an addiction. Well, this was mine.



  1. Hi there! I also enjoyed watching this movie. It was mind raping experience and i could not think of anything else for a whole week... i was daydreaming about different realities, " what if...".
    Every decision has a huge influence in a persons life, and it's like a chain reaction to the people who you meet, spend time and your whole life.
    It was hard for me to come back to the real life after that kind of experience by watching a movie. I am surprised how you could watch it so many times :)
    P.s I really like your blogs! keep writing them :) you are doing very well.

  2. Thanks for letting me know people are not only skimming through the text, but actually reading it :)
    Speaking of the movie, it awakens my thoughts inspires me. I think not only about choices of my life or people I met, but also come up with topics for my blog posts, drawings and short stories that turn out to be quite good in the end. Therefore, it increases my productiveness. Especially now, when it's often rainy and laziness threatens to take over, I find it very valuable to be obsessed with those massive thoughts.
    Thank you again for letting me know what you think about this movie. And yes, I'll keep writing this blog for sure :)
